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Equinix data centers in Zwolle and Enschede now connected to the Netherlands Internet Exchange (NL-ix)

First data centers in East Netherlands with NL-ix connection

Mar 15, 2010

Amsterdam, March 15, 2010 - Equinix, Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX), a provider of global data center services, has announced the connection of its International Business Exchange™ (IBX®) data centers, located in Zwolle (ZW1) and Enschede (EN1), to the Amsterdam-based Netherlands Internet Exchange (NL-ix). With this Internet Exchange connection, Equinix customers will enjoy the benefits associated from a local connection to the world's fifth largest Internet Exchange. Also, NL-ix peering services are available to the local small- and medium-size enterprise (SME) market through Internet Service Provider (ISP) offerings within the Equinix service provider portfolio. Historically, these services are often found too costly for SMEs to purchase individually. Equinix's other regional IBX center, the Amsterdam-based AM1, is already connected to the NL-ix.

By connecting its IBX sites in Zwolle and Enschede to the NL-ix, Equinix offers its customers greater choice of network connectivity solutions. The redundant configuration of the NL-ix's multi-core infrastructure also ensures customers have permanent access to their data hosted at the IBXs in Zwolle and Enschede.

From its Zwolle and Enschede IBXs, Equinix provides its customers, including hosting providers, Application Service Providers (ASPs), Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and enterprise users, with access to a service portfolio especially designed to meet the broad range of managed services needs of the small-and medium-size enterprise beyond collocation. The IBX data centers in Zwolle and Enschede are also connected to Equinix's other data centers via a redundant backbone.

“We want to offer our customers maximum freedom of choice in terms of network connectivity,” explains Michiel Eielts, Equinix General Manager. “Connecting our data centers in East Netherlands with NL-ix is a critical part of this mission. We are the first provider in this region to provide customers with this type of access. Through our ISP customers, we can offer small and mid-sized companies an opportunity to benefit from the speed, optimum availability and connectivity options of NL-ix.”

“Many data centers throughout the Netherlands have been connected to the NL-ix in recent years,” adds Marc Gauw, NL-ix Commercial Director. “In view of our substantial growth ambitions, the NL-ix connection of the Equinix data center in Amsterdam, set up a year ago, was a very logical step for us. Following our excellent experience of partnering with Equinix, we didn't have to think twice about connecting its data centers in Zwolle and Enschede to the NL-ix.”

About NL-ix 
The Netherlands Internet Exchange (NL-ix) is headquarted in the Hague, The Netherlands, and operates one of worlds largest Internet Exchanges with over 235 members. On its high-grade shared network, NL-ix provides ISP's, IP-carriers, and other large Internet companies the ability to peer, to exchange mutual traffic, or to apply metro-capacity for interconnectivity. With services and coverage in more than 30 datacentres in several key areas in the Netherlands, NL-ix offers supreme quality, and the most competitive services in the market. For more

About Equinix
Equinix, Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX) provides global data center services that ensure the vitality of the information-driven world. Global enterprises, content and financial companies, and network service providers rely upon Equinix's insight and expertise to protect and connect their most valued information assets.  Equinix operates 49 International Business Exchange™ (IBX®) data centers across 18 markets in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific.

Important information about Equinix is routinely posted on the investor relations page of its website located We encourage you to check Equinix's website regularly for the most up-to-date information. 

Dit persbericht bevat toekomstgerichte verklaringen waaraan risico's en onzekerheden verbonden zijn. Daadwerkelijke resultaten kunnen afwijken van de verwachtingen die zijn uitgesproken in dergelijke toekomstgerichte verklaringen. Factoren die zulke afwijkingen kunnen veroorzaken, omvatten, maar zijn niet beperkt tot de uitdagingen van het verkrijgen, bedienen en bouwen van IBX-centra en het ontwikkelen, uitrollen en leveren van Equinix-services; onvoorziene kosten of problemen in verband met de integratie in Equinix van bedrijven die we hebben aangekocht; het niet slagen in het ontvangen van significante inkomsten van klanten in onlangs gebouwde of aangekochte datacenters; het niet slagen in het voltooien van financieringen die periodiek worden overwogen; concurrentie van bestaande en nieuwe concurrenten; het vermogen om voldoende cashflow te genereren of op een andere manier tegoeden te verkrijgen om nieuwe, openstaande schuldenlast te betalen; het verliezen of teruglopen van opdrachten van onze belangrijkste klanten en andere risico's die Equinix periodiek indient bij de Securities and Exchange Commission. Zie in het bijzonder de recentelijke kwartaal- en jaarrapporten die Equinix heeft ingediend bij de Securities and Exchange Commission; kopie�n hiervan zijn verkrijgbaar op verzoek bij Equinix. Equinix aanvaardt geen enkele verplichting tot het bijwerken van de toekomstgerichte informatie in dit persbericht. Equinix en IBX zijn geregistreerde handelsmerken van Equinix, Inc. International Business Exchange is een handelsmerk van Equinix, Inc.

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Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from expectations discussed in such forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause such differences include, but are not limited to, the challenges of acquiring, operating and constructing IBX centers and developing, deploying and delivering Equinix services; unanticipated costs or difficulties relating to the integration of companies we have acquired or will acquire into Equinix; a failure to receive significant revenue from customers in recently built out or acquired data centers; failure to complete any financing arrangements contemplated from time to time; competition from existing and new competitors; the ability to generate sufficient cash flow or otherwise obtain funds to repay new or outstanding indebtedness; the loss or decline in business from our key customers; and other risks described from time to time in Equinix's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In particular, see Equinix's recent quarterly and annual reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, copies of which are available upon request from Equinix. Equinix does not assume any obligation to update the forward-looking information contained in this press release.

Equinix and IBX are registered trademarks of Equinix, Inc. International Business Exchange is a trademark of Equinix, Inc.