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News Releases

In this section of the ACME MediaRoom, you'll find our news releases. The releases are listed in chronological order and are archived by year.

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2021 Archives

Jun 21, 2021
Als erster Betreiber in der Rechenzentrumsbranche strebt Equinix den klimaneutralen Geschäftsbetrieb bis 2030 auf Basis wissenschaftsbasierter Ziele (SBT) und einer Innovationsagenda für Nachhaltigkeit an
Jun 17, 2021
Prima azienda nel settore dei data center a impegnarsi per raggiungere la neutralità climatica entro il 2030, avvalendosi di obiettivi basati sulla scienza (SBT) e di un programma di innovazione sostenibile
Jun 17, 2021
El programa de dos años crecerá hasta un total de 32 data centers en todo el mundo, permitiendo a las mayores empresas tecnológicas expandirse en Platform Equinix®
Jun 16, 2021
First in data center industry to commit to reaching climate-neutral by 2030, backed by science-based target and sustainability innovation agenda
Jun 16, 2021
First in data center industry to commit to reaching climate-neutral by 2030, backed by science-based target and sustainability innovation agenda
Jun 16, 2021
Das vor zwei Jahren gestartete Programm wächst damit auf 32 Rechenzentren weltweit und ermöglicht es den größten Technologieunternehmen, auf Platform Equinix zu expandieren
Jun 14, 2021
Programa de dos años para ampliar 32 instalaciones en todo el mundo, lo que permitirá a las mayores empresas de tecnología expandirse en la plataforma Equinix
Jun 14, 2021
Programa de dois anos deve ampliar para 32 instalações em todo o mundo, permitindo que as maiores empresas de tecnologia cresçam na plataforma Equinix
Jun 14, 2021
Two-Year-Old Program to Grow to 32 Facilities Globally, Enabling the Largest Technology Companies to Expand on Platform Equinix
Jun 14, 2021
Jun 9, 2021
O Network Edge permite aos clientes conectar em poucos minutos dispositivos de rede e segurança dos principais fornecedores globais, avançando rapidamente na digital edge
Jun 2, 2021
New facility addresses growing need for interconnection and enables companies to advance their digital transformation
Jun 2, 2021
New facility addresses growing need for interconnection and enables companies to advance their digital transformation
Jun 1, 2021
Este servicio acelera la transformación digital, posibilitando a las empresas desplegar redes de manera virtual en el edge
May 26, 2021
日本のデジタルリーダーの71%が働く場所と働き方の長期的な変化を予想、 IT投資戦略の見直しに前向き
May 24, 2021
Coevolve to offer integrated SD-WAN, security and cloud networking solutions on Equinix’s Network Edge to enable rapid deployment of hybrid multicloud in multiple geographies
May 24, 2021
O Hybrid Cloud e o Cloud Management, desenvolvidos pela Equinix, simplificam a gestão multicloud e respondem às expectativas das empresas por maior confiabilidade
May 20, 2021
Relatório global da Equinix revela mudanças nos padrões de trabalho que provocam aumento no investimento em infraestrutura digital
May 19, 2021
A surgical robotics startup expands its digital infrastructure to accelerate surgical robotics R&D
May 19, 2021
تقرير إكوينيكس يشير إلى أنّ نماذج العمل المتغيرة تؤدي إلى زيادة في الاستثمارات في البنية التحتية الرقمية
May 19, 2021
Equinix report reveals changing working patterns spark surge in digital infrastructure investment
May 19, 2021
Equinix-Bericht zeigt, dass sich verändernde Arbeitsmuster zu einem Anstieg der Investitionen in digitale Infrastrukturen führen