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News Releases

In this section of the ACME MediaRoom, you'll find our news releases. The releases are listed in chronological order and are archived by year.

Archives: Search / 2024 / 2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005


2022 Archives

Feb 7, 2022
New US$90M data center offers global interconnection opportunities and is designed to support 2030 climate neutrality goals
Feb 7, 2022
Das neue Rechenzentrum im Wert von 90 Millionen US-Dollar bietet globale Interconnection-Möglichkeiten und ist im Einklang mit dem Unternehmensziel der Klimaneutralität bis 2030 konzipiert
Feb 3, 2022
Met Network Edge kunnen bedrijven zich in nieuwe markten vestigen en data dichter bij de gebruiker verwerken, zonder een fysiek datacenter
Feb 3, 2022
Network Edge enables businesses to establish a presence in new markets and process data closer to the user without the need for a physical data center
Feb 3, 2022
Network Edge permite a las empresas establecer su presencia en nuevos mercados y procesar los datos más cerca del usuario, sin necesidad de un data center físico
Feb 2, 2022
Network Edge permette alle aziende di stabilire la loro presenza in nuovi mercati e di elaborare i propri dati più vicino all’utente finale, senza l’appoggio a un data center
Feb 1, 2022
Network Edge gör det möjligt för företag att etablera sig på nya marknader och bearbeta data närmare användaren utan behov av ett fysiskt datacenter
Feb 1, 2022
Network Edge enables businesses to establish a presence in new markets and process data closer to the user without the need for a physical data centre
Feb 1, 2022
Network Edge permet aux entreprises d'établir une présence sur de nouveaux marchés et de traiter les données au plus près de l'utilisateur, sans avoir besoin d'un datacentre physique.
Jan 31, 2022
Meneses liderará la estrategia y operaciones en el área de ventas, gestión de cuentas y desarrollo comercial
Jan 26, 2022
Two xScale™ data centers in Seoul to accommodate growing demand for digital infrastructure
Jan 26, 2022
A companhia abriu um centro de inovação em Washington, D.C.; o espaço é parte da estratégia de inovação e sustentabilidade
Jan 24, 2022
HUMAN Security、Solana Foundation、Super League Gamingが、エクイニクスの最新オンデマンド技術を採用し、将来性のあるハイブリッドインフラストラクチャとサステナビリティの取り組みを推進
Jan 24, 2022
Equinix eröffnet Co-Innovationszentrum in Washington, D.C. als Teil seiner Strategie für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit
Jan 20, 2022
Company Opens Co-Innovation Facility in Washington, D.C. as Part of Its Innovation and Sustainability Strategy
Jan 20, 2022
Company Opens Co-Innovation Facility in Washington, D.C. as Part of Its Innovation and Sustainability Strategy
Jan 18, 2022
Pexip relies on Platform Equinix® to scale up and manage 7x growth of its enterprise video conferencing and collaboration usage
Jan 18, 2022
Pexip confía en Platform Equinix® para aumentar y gestionar el crecimiento por 7 del uso de sus soluciones de videoconferencia y colaboración empresarial
Jan 17, 2022
Pexip社 は、Platform Equinix®を活用し、 7倍にも増加する企業向けビデオ会議およびコラボレーションの成長に対応
Jan 17, 2022
New US$163M facility will incorporate multiple sustainability best practices, including heat recovery technology directly connected to Paris’s Saint-Denis urban heating network
Jan 17, 2022
New US$163M facility will incorporate multiple sustainability best practices, including heat recovery technology directly connected to Paris's Saint-Denis urban heating network
Jan 17, 2022
Les nouvelles installations, d’un investissement de 163 millions de dollars, intégreront de nombreuses pratiques environnementales, dont une technologie de récupération de la chaleur directement reliée au réseau de chauffage urbain de Paris Saint-Denis.