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News Releases

In this section of the ACME MediaRoom, you'll find our news releases. The releases are listed in chronological order and are archived by year.

Archives: Search / 2024 / 2023 / 2022 / 2021 / 2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005


2023 Archives

Jun 14, 2023
Expanding connectivity to meet businesses’ emerging digital infrastructure requirements
Jun 13, 2023
Equinix México se colocó en la posición número 20 del ranking La Mejor Empresa para Trabajar en México 2023 entre 50 a 500 colaboradores multinacionales.
Jun 12, 2023
- 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스(ESG) 분야 목표에 대한 지난 1년간의 노력을 담은 보고서 공개
May 30, 2023
الشركة ستستثمر ما يزيد عن مئة مليون دولار في مركز البيانات الجديد عند اكتمال بنائه والذي سيكون أكبر مراكز الشركة وأكثرها اتصالًا بالمراكز الأخرى في المنطقة
May 30, 2023
Equinix will invest over $100M in the new data center when fully built out to create the company’s largest and most interconnected data center in the Middle East
May 29, 2023
Equinix Canada, a long-time Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner, is thrilled to welcome the launch of AWS Direct Connect at Equinix TR2 IBX® data center in Toronto.
May 16, 2023
Equinix permite a Aurora teleQ ofrecer más servicios conectados para los trabajadores de la salud y los pacientes, priorizando el bienestar
May 15, 2023
Se enfocará en impulsar el crecimiento de la compañía y estrechar la relación con los clientes a nivel regional
May 15, 2023
Equinix umożliwia firmie Aurora Innovation świadczenie bardziej zintegrowanych usług dla pracowników służby zdrowia i pacjentów, stawiając na pierwszym miejscu ich dobre samopoczucie
May 12, 2023
Equinix ja Fortum ovat sopineet yhteistyöstä, jossa Equinixin kahden Espoossa sijaitsevan datakeskuksen hukkalämpö kierrätetään Fortumin kaukolämpöverkkoon, lämmittäen jopa 2 000 omakotitaloa.
May 12, 2023
Equinix and Fortum have agreed to work together to recycle heat from Equinix's two data centers located in Espoo, Finland, into Fortum's district heating network, heating up to 2,000 private homes.
May 11, 2023
Equinix permet à Aurora teleQ de proposer des services connectés aux professionnels de santé et aux patients, tout en misant sur le bien-être de chacun.
May 11, 2023
Equinix unterstützt Aurora teleQ bei der Bereitstellung vernetzter Dienste für Patienten und Personal im Gesundheitswesen. Dabei steht das Wohlbefinden im Vordergrund
May 11, 2023
Equinix stelt Aurora teleQ in staat meer geïntegreerde diensten te leveren voor zorgverleners en patiënten, waarbij welzijn voorop staat
May 11, 2023
Equinix empowers Aurora teleQ to deliver more connected services for healthcare workers and patients, prioritising wellbeing
May 11, 2023
Equinix дава възможност на Aurora teleQ да предоставя повече свързани услуги за здравни работници и пациенти, като приоритизира благосъстоянието
May 11, 2023
Equinix empowers Aurora teleQ to deliver more connected services for healthcare workers and patients, prioritising wellbeing
May 3, 2023
Company Delivers Quarterly Revenues of Approximately $2 Billion as Businesses Continue to Prioritize Digital Infrastructure
May 3, 2023
Con la incorporación de Equinix Network Edge, las empresas podrán implementar su red e infraestructura de interconexión en minutos, de una manera más ágil, flexible y segura.
May 1, 2023
The company's FY22 Annual Sustainability Report highlights its Future First strategy, focusing on issues that have the greatest impact on customers and key stakeholders, including a goal of climate-neutral operations by 2030