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News Releases

In this section of the ACME MediaRoom, you'll find our news releases. The releases are listed in chronological order and are archived by year.

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2022 Archives

Nov 10, 2022
La falta de candidatos con codiciadas habilidades de TI, cloud computing e Inteligencia Artificial está agravando aún más los problemas de reclutamiento a medida que las demandas digitales continúan creciendo, provocando que las empresas busquen grupos de talento alternativos
Nov 10, 2022
Der Mangel an Bewerbern mit ausreichenden IT-, Cloud-Computing- oder KI-Kenntnissen verschärft die Probleme bei der Personalbeschaffung weiter, da die digitalen Anforderungen weiter steigen und die Unternehmen nach alternativen Talentpools suchen müssen
Nov 9, 2022
Tech talent with coveted data protection, AI/ML and cloud computing skills are anticipated to be the most in-demand in India by 2025
Nov 9, 2022
Tech talent with coveted AI, data analysis, and data protection skills are anticipated to be the most in-demand in Singapore by 2025
Nov 9, 2022
Tech talent with coveted AI, cloud computing and AR/VR skills are anticipated to be the most in-demand in Asia-Pacific by 2025
Nov 9, 2022
Tech talent with coveted AI and machine learning skillsets are anticipated to see the biggest skills gap in Hong Kong in 2025
Nov 9, 2022
2025년까지 한국에서 인공지능/머신러닝, 클라우드 컴퓨팅, IT기술 인재에 대한 수요 가장 높을 것으로 예상
Nov 9, 2022
In Australia, IT Technicians anticipated to be the most in demand talent by 2025, followed by data analysis, security architect and AI
Nov 9, 2022
A lack of candidates with coveted IT, cloud computing and AI skills is further compounding recruitment issues as digital demands continue to grow, causing businesses to seek alternative talent pools
Nov 9, 2022
À l’heure du tout numérique, le manque de compétences en cloud computing et intelligence artificielle augmente les problèmes de recrutement, et conduit les entreprises à recruter auprès de viviers alternatifs
Nov 9, 2022
A falta de habilitações específicas em TI, computação na nuvem e IA, está a condicionar o recrutamento, à medida que a procura digital cresce, obrigando as organizações a procurar talentos alternativos
Nov 9, 2022
Липсата на кандидати с търсените умения в сферата на AI, разработки на мобилни решения и AR/VR допълнително усложнява проблемите, свързани с назначаването на служители; дигиталните изисквания продължават да растат, което кара бизнеса да се насочи към алтернативни източници на таланти
Nov 8, 2022
Companies announce VMware Cloud on Equinix Metal® to better meet the latency, performance, security, and data locality requirements of enterprise workloads
Nov 8, 2022
Companies Announce VMware Cloud on Equinix Metal® to Better Meet the Latency, Performance, Security, and Data Locality Requirements of Enterprise Workloads
Nov 8, 2022
Nov 7, 2022
Supporting rising demand for interconnection to accelerate businesses’ digital ambitions
Nov 2, 2022
Best Gross and Net Bookings Performance in Company History
Nov 2, 2022
La nueva instalación responde a la creciente necesidad de interconexión y permite a las empresas avanzar en su transformación digital
Nov 1, 2022
Dünyanın dijital altyapı sağlayıcısı Equinix, Küresel Bağlantı Endeksi (GXI) 2023 raporunu yayınladı. Rapora göre ekosisteme bağlı işletmeler son 5 çeyrekte geçmiş 5 yıla göre daha fazla büyüdü. Belirsiz makro ortama rağmen pandemi öncesindeki ara bağlantı büyümesinin aşılacağı öngörülüyor.
Oct 25, 2022
A pesar del entorno incierto, el pronóstico supera el crecimiento de la interconexión previo a la pandemia
Oct 25, 2022
Ennusteet globaalien ekosysteemien välisten yhteyksien kasvusta ylittävät pandemia-aikaa edeltäneet luvut makrotalouden epävarmuuksista huolimatta
Oct 25, 2022
Forecast to exceed pre-pandemic interconnection growth despite uncertain macro environment
Oct 21, 2022
نموّ الربط البيني يُتوقّع أن يتجاوز مستويات ما قبل الجائحة على الرغم من عدم استقرار البيئة الاقتصادية