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News Releases

In this section of the ACME MediaRoom, you'll find our news releases. The releases are listed in chronological order and are archived by year.

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2023 Archives

Dec 20, 2023
As one of the top ten largest green bond issuers in the U.S., Equinix used the net proceeds to support 172 green building projects across 105 sites, 33 energy efficiency projects, and two Power Purchase Agreements
Dec 18, 2023
프라이빗 AI, XaaS, 액체 냉각 및 지속가능성이 비즈니스의 효율성 및 창의성을 변화시킬 전망
Dec 14, 2023
Equinix’s Cloud Adjacency, Ecosystem Access and Global Reach Make It an Ideal Platform for Private AI Deployments—for Both Enterprises and Service Providers
Dec 14, 2023
Supports direct-to-chip liquid cooling in more than 45 metros across all three regions to power compute-intensive workloads like artificial intelligence
Dec 13, 2023
La compañía anunció el soporte de refrigeración líquida en más de 45 áreas metropolitanas, incluyendo Brasil, Colombia y México, para impulsar cargas de trabajo de cómputo de alto rendimiento como la inteligencia artificial.
Dec 13, 2023
O suporte para resfriamento líquido direct-to-chip se estenderá a 45 regiões metropolitanas, entre elas São Paulo, para apoiar cargas de trabalho que exigem alto poder de computação
Dec 12, 2023
Dec 12, 2023
Anuncia planes para ampliar el soporte de refrigeración líquida a más de 45 mercados internacionales para impulsar cargas de trabajo de cómputo intensivo como la inteligencia artificial
Dec 11, 2023
Supports direct-to-chip liquid cooling in more than 45 metros across all three regions to power compute-intensive workloads like artificial intelligence
Dec 7, 2023
Reduced approximately 30% of computer room air conditioning energy consumption, supporting Hong Kong’s sustainability objectives
Dec 5, 2023
Das in Equinix FR6 implementierte, KI-basierte Kühlsystem des Energieintelligenz-Startups etalytics zeigt signifikante Auswirkungen auf den CO2-Fussabdruck des Standorts: Die Energieeffizienz der Rechenzentrumsinfrastruktur konnte um bis zu 9 % gesteigert werden. Aufgrund der vielversprechenden Ergebnisse des Pilotprojekts soll die Zusammenarbeit nun im ersten Schritt auf nahezu alle IBX-Rechenzentren in Frankfurt ausgeweitet werden.
Dec 5, 2023
Equinix PPA med Neoen blir det fjärde avtalet som tecknas med företaget efter liknande avtal i Finland, vilket visar på Equinix fokus på långsiktiga partnerskap med producenter av förnybar energi.
Dec 5, 2023
Esta iniciativa demonstra o empenho da Equinix no estabelecimento de parcerias de longo prazo com fornecedores de energia renovável e assinala o primeiro PPA da Sonnedix em Portugal, depois da sua entrada no mercado português em 2022.
Nov 30, 2023
FR13 bietet Unternehmen aller Branchen Zugang zu einem globalen digitalen Ökosystem und ist das erste neue Rechenzentrum des Unternehmens in Deutschland, das mit einer optimierten Betriebstemperatur ausgelegt ist, welche den Gesamtstromverbrauch des Standorts reduziert.
Nov 30, 2023
FR13 provides businesses across industries access to a global digital ecosystem and is the company’s first new data center in Germany to be designed with an optimized operating temperature that reduces the site’s overall power consumption.
Nov 27, 2023
Rising operating costs put significant pressure on miners to make their technology investments go further and build the digital talent necessary for a sustainable future