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News Releases

In this section of the ACME MediaRoom, you'll find our news releases. The releases are listed in chronological order and are archived by year.

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2022 Archives

Jul 6, 2022
Sustainability progress impacted by the pandemic, with more than half of respondents having slowed down or halted related efforts
Jul 6, 2022
Businesses in Asia-Pacific increasing budgets for IT infrastructure due to the pandemic compared to other regions
Jul 6, 2022
A strong demand for IT infrastructure or system upgrade to capitalize on 5G
Jul 6, 2022
Survey finds Melbourne a top spot for presence and expansion
Jul 6, 2022
Global growth underpinned by significant investment in digital; nearly half of businesses expanding into new markets virtually via the cloud
Jul 6, 2022
Global growth underpinned by significant investment in digital; nearly half of businesses expanding into new markets virtually via the cloud
Jul 6, 2022
La encuesta más reciente de Equinix a líderes TI revela que más de un tercio de las empresas en nuestro país se expanden a nuevos mercados virtualmente a través de la nube
Jul 6, 2022
Global growth underpinned by significant investment in digital; nearly half of businesses expanding into new markets virtually via the cloud
Jul 6, 2022
Growth underpinned by significant investment in digital; nearly half of businesses expanding into new markets virtually via the cloud
Jul 6, 2022
النموّ يترافق واستثمارات كبيرة في المجال الرقمي مع توسّع قرابة نصف الشركات في أسواق جديدة افتراضياً عبر السحابة
Jul 6, 2022
Equinixin uusi Global Tech Trends Survey paljastaa, että suomalaiset IT-päätöksentekijät ovat huolissaan mahdollisista kyberhyökkäyksistä ja muista turvallisuusuhkista.
Jul 6, 2022
Equinix’s bi-annual Global Tech Trends Survey reveals IT-decision makers in Finland are growing worried about possible cyber attacks and other security threats.
Jul 6, 2022
Crescita globale sostenuta da investimenti significativi nel digitale; quasi la metà delle aziende che si espande in nuovi mercati lo fa attraverso il cloud
Jul 6, 2022
Wereldwijde groei wordt ondersteund door aanzienlijke digitale investeringen; bijna de helft van de bedrijven breidt uit naar nieuwe markten, virtueel via de cloud
Jul 6, 2022
Selon le rapport Global Tech Trends Survey 2022 d’Equinix, ces stratégies d’expansion seront soutenues par des investissements dans le digital. Ainsi, 49% des entreprises françaises utiliseront le Cloud pour s’étendre virtuellement sur de nouveaux marchés.
Jul 6, 2022
Global growth underpinned by significant investment in digital; nearly half of businesses expanding into new markets virtually via the cloud
Jul 6, 2022
Umfangreiche Investitionen in die Digitalisierung stützen globales Wachstum; nahezu jedes zweite Unternehmen expandiert virtuell über die Cloud in neue Märkte
Jun 30, 2022
Las empresas buscan ampliar sus capacidades digitales para prepararse de cara al futuro, lo que ha motivado que el crecimiento de la interconexión se haya acelerado en toda la región
Jun 27, 2022
Joint initiatives to nurture the next generation of leaders to support the Singapore Green Plan
Jun 23, 2022
Both companies extend their world-leading collaboration, capturing renewable waste heat from data centers in Viikinmäki and Suvilahti and redistributing to homes in Helsinki
Jun 23, 2022
Yritykset laajentavat maailmanluokan yhteistyötään keräämällä Viikinmäen ja Suvilahden datakeskusten hukkalämpöä ja käyttämällä sen helsinkiläisten kotien lämmittämiseen.
Jun 22, 2022
As organizações podem se conectar diretamente a uma rampa de acesso à nuvem privada via Google Cloud Interconnect, garantindo alto desempenho, confiabilidade e eficiência de custos