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News Releases

In this section of the ACME MediaRoom, you'll find our news releases. The releases are listed in chronological order and are archived by year.

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2019 Archives

Oct 30, 2019
Interconnection and Data Center Leader Delivers 67th Consecutive Quarter of Revenue Growth
Oct 25, 2019
Rapporter från Equinix visar att företag satsar på interconnectiontjänster för att öka sin konkurrenskraft i den digitala ekonomin
Oct 24, 2019
Empresa global de interconexão e data center apresenta insights do estudo de mercado Global Interconnection Index e aponta caminhos para a transformação digital
Oct 24, 2019
Global market study and independent survey shows companies are leveraging interconnection to compete in the digital economy as data explosion gets further distributed at the edge
Oct 20, 2019
Oct 20, 2019
Global market study and independent survey shows companies are leveraging interconnection to compete in the digital economy as data explosion gets further distributed at the edge
Oct 20, 2019
الشركات تستخدم الربط البينيّ للتنافس في الاقتصاد الرقمي فيما يتوسّع توزّع البيانات على الحافة بحسب دراسة السوق العالمية والاستبيان المستقلّ
Oct 16, 2019
Survey of IT decision-makers underlines long-term Channel shift from hardware to cloud services; study also finds cost-effectiveness remains top reason for enterprise to work with Channel partners
Oct 16, 2019
Les entreprises tirent parti de l’interconnexion pour rester compétitives dans l’économie numérique alors que toujours plus de données sont générées à la périphérie du réseau
Oct 16, 2019
~ Uno studio di mercato globale e un’indagine indipendente mostrano come le aziende stiano sfruttando l’interconnessione per competere nell’economia digitale mentre l’esplosione dei dati viene ulteriormente distribuita at the edge
Oct 16, 2019
El estudio global refleja un gran aumento del uso de conexiones privadas y muestra que un 64% de los responsables de TI en España consideran la digitalización de su infraestructura como una prioridad
Oct 16, 2019
Une étude du marché mondial et une enquête indépendante montrent que les entreprises exploitent l'interconnexion pour garantir leur compétitivité au sein de l’économie numérique en réponse à la distribution croissante de l’explosion des données au niveau du Edge
Oct 16, 2019
Globale Marktstudie und unabhängige Umfrage zeigen, dass Unternehmen auf Interconnection zurückgreifen, um angesichts der dramatisch zunehmenden Datennutzung an der Digital Edge in der digitalen Wirtschaft konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben
Oct 16, 2019
Global market study and independent survey shows companies are leveraging interconnection to compete in the digital economy as data explosion gets further distributed at the edge
Oct 16, 2019
Global market study shows companies are leveraging interconnection to compete in the digital economy, while ICT decision-makers feel that Finland’s importance as a gateway for data traffic will increase over next five years.
Oct 15, 2019
Market study shows Cloud & IT is the largest industry leveraging interconnection as data explosion gets further distributed at the edge
Oct 15, 2019
Market study shows Cloud & IT is the largest industry leveraging interconnection as data explosion gets further distributed at the edge
Oct 15, 2019
Marktstudie toont aan dat bedrijven interconnectie inzetten om een concurrentievoordeel te behalen nu data steeds meer gedistribueerd wordt aan de digital edge
Oct 15, 2019
Market study shows Cloud & IT is the largest industry leveraging interconnection as data explosion gets further distributed at the edge
Oct 15, 2019
Studien zeigen, dass Unternehmen auf Interconnection zurückgreifen, um angesichts der dramatisch zunehmenden Datennutzung an der Digital Edge in der digitalen Wirtschaft konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben
Oct 15, 2019
Estudo de mercado aponta que, com a explosão de dados cada vez mais distribuídos geograficamente na edge, as empresas estão aproveitando a Interconexão para competir na economia digital
Oct 15, 2019
Global market study and independent survey shows companies are leveraging interconnection to compete in the digital economy as data explosion gets further distributed at the edge
Oct 15, 2019
Market study shows companies are leveraging interconnection to compete in the digital economy as data explosion gets further distributed at the edge
Oct 14, 2019
Solução Equinix Cloud Exchange Fabric ajuda empresas de qualquer segmento a interconectarem seus negócios globais na digital edge