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News Releases

In this section of the ACME MediaRoom, you'll find our news releases. The releases are listed in chronological order and are archived by year.

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2021 Archives

Dec 21, 2021
Siete organizaciones elegidas por la Clean Hydrogen Partnership (Asociación para el Hidrógeno Limpio) desarrollarán una plataforma de pilas de combustible de nueva generación que garantice un futuro más ecológico para los data centers de todo el mundo
Dec 16, 2021
HUMAN Security, Solana Foundation und Super League Gaming machen ihre hybriden Infrastrukturen und Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen fit für die Zukunft mit modernsten On-Demand-Technologielösungen bei Equinix
Dec 15, 2021
Dec 15, 2021
Agreement supports the build out of cloud infrastructure in Carteret, New Jersey data center
Dec 14, 2021
Consortium of seven organisations chosen by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership to develop a next-generation fuel cell platform to ensure a greener future for data centres across the world
Dec 14, 2021
Konsortium aus sieben Organisationen wurden von der Clean Hydrogen Partnership ausgewählt, eine Brennstoffzellenplattform der nächsten Generation zu entwickeln, um eine klimafreundliche Zukunft für Rechenzentren weltweit zu gewährleisten
Dec 14, 2021
Consortium of seven organizations chosen by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership to develop a next-generation fuel cell platform to ensure a greener future for data centers across the world
Dec 13, 2021
Equinix lanza por primera vez en la industria “Time as a Service”, el tiempo como un servicio para las empresas en Edge
Dec 8, 2021
オーストラリア・オマーン間を直接かつ安全に接続する唯一の海底ケーブルの陸揚げポイントに エクイニクスのパースとマスカットのデータセンターを選定
Dec 8, 2021
New facility provides direct access for digital expansion and collaboration into Asia and the Middle East via investment and expansion of subsea cable networks
Dec 7, 2021
A expansão deverá apoiar a aceleração da transformação digital em toda a África
Dec 7, 2021
Netzwerkleistung zwischen Rechenzentren in Brasilien, Portugal und Spanien um 50 % gesteigert
Dec 7, 2021
HUMAN Security, Solana Foundation and Super League Gaming Future-Proof their Hybrid Infrastructures and Sustainability Initiatives with the Latest Technologies, On Demand at Equinix
Dec 7, 2021
Expansion Aims to Enable Organizations to Accelerate Digital Transformation throughout Africa
Dec 6, 2021
キンドリルジャパンの実績とPlatform Equinix ®を活かし、ハイブリッドマルチクラウド接続と業界エコシステムを共同開発
Dec 2, 2021
Aumento del 50% delle prestazioni di rete tra i data center in Brasile, Portogallo e Spagna
Nov 29, 2021
A DISH aproveitará o amplo ecossistema de parceiros da companhia para fornecer uma rede 5G rápida e nativa em cloud
Nov 24, 2021
Reliable, low-latency interconnection to power gaming expansion across the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe
Nov 24, 2021
Luotettavat, matalan latenssin suorat yhteydet kiihdyttävät onlinepelaamisen laatua Euroopassa, Amerikassa ja Aasiassa.
Nov 24, 2021
El rendimiento de la red entre los data centers de Brasil, Portugal y España aumentará un 50%
Nov 24, 2021
50% increase in network performance between data centers in Brazil, Portugal and Spain
Nov 24, 2021
O sistema proporciona um aumento de 50% na performance da rede entre data centers no Brasil, Portugal e Espanha
Nov 24, 2021
الكابل السريع الوحيد سيوفر اتصالاً مباشراً وآمناً بين أستراليا وسلطنة عُمان عبر مراكز بيانات إكوينيكس في بيرث ومسقط
Nov 23, 2021
The only express cable to bring direct and secure connectivity between Australia and Oman via Equinix Perth and Muscat data centres